Leather Tanning Process

Leather tanning is the first step in the leather making process, after the hides come from the beamhouse and are cleaned from dirt, blood, salt and hair. To use a hide or skin for a leather product it needs to be processed. This process is called the tanning process. 

The process of vegetables tanning has been invented in the Tuscan tanneries, where it is still used.
There are other places in the world which use this technique, of course. But the Italian leather is also a trade-mark to protect the traditional knowledge and techniques. It is the result of an ancient wisdom connected with the last technical innovations.

Vegetable Tanned Versus Chrome Tanned Leather

While vegetable tanned leather does take longer to produce, in a process requiring the care of skilled craftsmen,  making for a more expensive product, the tradition and handmade process adds to the richness and the exclusivity of vegetable tanned leather, in stark contrast to the mass produced chrome tanned leather. It also adds to vegetable tanned leather products impressive ageing and longevity, whereas the chrome tanned products will wear badly and crack sooner rather than later.


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